Working with
Bioscan advises those looking to promote land for development (see ‘For Developers’) but also those who wish to manage their land better for nature conservation, carbon sequestration, or to market their land for offsetting biodiversity impacts through the biodiversity net gain (BNG) process.
We are also called upon to advise on eligibility for agri-environment schemes and also to provide representation for or against designation of land under the domestic statutory and non-statutory regimes. We also write and oversee the implementation of management plans.

Management Planning
Bioscan were involved in the redevelopment of the Fengate Sewage Treatment Works in Peterborough between 1996 and 2022, from pre-application surveys for Anglian Water through to various successor landowners with development aspirations for the site. Read more »

Commercial offsetting / net gain opportunities
Bioscan have increasingly been commissioned to explore the opportunities for rural landowners to secure income from use of their land for the delivery of biodiversity net gain, in compensation for losses to development elsewhere. Read more »