Rebecca joined Bioscan in 2013, having worked in nature conservation since 2005. Rebecca was made a Director of Bioscan in 2024 and is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).
She manages a diverse range of case work ranging from large and complex nationally significant infrastructure (NSIP) projects to small-scale barn conversions; and has a depth of experience across the residential, minerals, commercial, energy, transport and marine sectors.
Rebecca is a highly experienced field ecologist with strong protected species survey skills, and holds Natural England and Natural Resources Wales survey licences for bats, dormouse and great crested newt, as well as a Natural England licence to survey for Roman snail. She has designed and overseen the implementation of schemes of mitigation for a range of protected species, including badgers, bats, great crested newts, dormice and water voles, leading to the smooth and successful acquisition of development/mitigation licences. She also holds a Natural England ‘Earned Recognition’ class mitigation licence for bats, and a Natural England class licence to permit water vole displacement.
Rebecca is also a keen botanist and has extensive experience of survey and assessment of habitats across much of the UK. She is valued by clients for efficient ecological survey and co-ordination, project management, and delivery of sound and robust ecological advice and technical outputs (including EIA, HRA and Biodiversity Net Gain assessments), drawing on her sound understanding of current planning policy and wildlife legislation.